Friday, 7 December 2012

Day 31
I have to say that the well of Roman Numeral jokes is running dry. I also came up with a panel that depicted King Henry the VIII trying to convince a mathematician to update numbers so it would be easier to write his name in the snow. I know. It's not very good. I ended up here and I think it's alright. Better than the King Henry idea. Special thanks to Andrea for convincing me that the King Henry idea was a no go.


  1. This one's weird. Why does W think he or she should represent 10? Does X believe he or she should be 10 or just happy with the situation?

  2. Owen, I thought that the W is like two V's and...I don't know. Didn't I start the post by saying the well of Roman Numeral jokes in my brain was drying up?

    1. Arrgh, I'm so stooopid! I never thought about the w being 2 v's.

    2. No, your not stupid I was just un clear.

    3. There is a difference between stupid and stoopid. Stoopid to me is like a momentary lapse and not an innate state, such as stupid. It's sort of like being bored or being boring. One is a temporary feeling, one would hope, and the other is an innate thing that's not good.

    4. I see Owen....let me correct myself. Owen you were being stoopid. It was two v's duummy.

    5. After all this,now I wonder why isn't W the Roman Numeral for 10?

  3. Maybe the W has an identity crisis. Thinking he is 10 but the other Roman Numerals have to convince him that he isn't one of them.
    or maybe there was a time when W was in fact 10, and then he got sick. "How X became 10"

  4. I like that David! Maybe this one can be a three panel or maybe a series?
