Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Day 29
Really coming in under the wire here with less than thirty minutes left in the day. But it's better than late. This is day III of the roman numeral challenge to myself and I really like this one except the punchline isn't quite right. It is almost there. I feel confident in the idea and all that's left is to find a better way to execute it. Suggestions? 


  1. some kind of pun with the word four?
    or something along the lines of "i'm only 4 out of 5" or "4/5ths"

    "You make me fourfit my . . ."

    "I don't like to be fourward, but . . ."

    "Let's go forth"

    oi. all of these suggestions are running along the same level of pretty weak.

  2. David, those are great. I really like the 4/5's germ. I think thats the direction to go in.

  3. You make me feel so small.

    You're always make me feel like less of a person.

    or go the other way with VI:

    Does this make me look fat?

    You make me feel so big.

    or V complaining to VI:

    You think you're so big with that I.
